Numerii works in a with a wide variety of different market sectors and enjoys helping our clients grow and develop their businesses by making sure that their financial affairs are handled smoothly and effectively.
The Challenge
Numerii were looking for a digital agency that has passion and understanding for beautiful design work, complemented by seamless coding practices to create a refreshed website making the most of their existing colour schemes to reflect their above work ethic.
The Tomia Solution
Numerii were not looking for a rebrand but just wanted a new website that the website must comply with existing identity/branding and colour schemes where possible. With our expertise, we have carried out new functionalities and integrations.
It is ensured that the website will be mobile-friendly / responsive design. Allow staff to update and maintain the website. Make the website to be fully GDPR compliant. Providing the client with the ability to post and maintain blogs, creating an Event Booking portal.
With a payment gateway and make the website have search engine optimised. Numerii to own all the IP associated with the build. With existing data migration, with future scalability – to connect with a CRM platform and an accounting system.