Landlords Lawyer specialise in tenant eviction and rent appear problems throughout England and Wales, aiming to advise, guide and help on all tenant evictions and rent arrears matters ensuring a fast and efficient resolution. They offer a full and comprehensive service for landlords, ensuring they meet all the requirements, helping to prevent any unnecessary delays in serving eviction notices and possessions proceedings. They assist people with the whole eviction process from start to finish.
The Challenge
The Tomia team created a portal specially for property owners with problem tenants. This website has been built in such a way all content can be managed via the admin panel. This portal has been integrated with 3rd party landlord portals to push and pull required and associated data related to landlord/property/tenant. It has also been integrated with an internal CRM system that has been custom built purely for Landlords Lawyer. Security was paramount during the architecture of this solution – it was essential data was encrypted at rest and in flight from the website to the database. The entire solution was hosted on a dedicated server and managed and supported by the Tomia team. This gave peace of mind for the Landlords Lawyer that those in charge of maintaining it understand the development process having been directly involved and therefore have the expertise and knowledge to solve any issues that may arise.