ella Forums, the trading arm of ella foundation, were set up in 2013 by Brian Chernett, the Founder of The Academy for Chief Executives, which for 18 years has helped thousands of CEOs achieve measurable results for their organisations via a holistic leadership development programme. The tried and tested methods that worked for leaders in the commercial sector have been adapted to inspire leaders in charities and social enterprises.
The Challenge
ella foundation was looking to connect/integrate their website with ZOHO CRM and to maintain and manage a streamlined communication with their clients as they take a step towards their growth curve. Furthermore, Tomia team will ensure to understand and define a scalable architecture when defining the WEB/ CRM solution so that future scalability on additional features and modules (for example connecting with the marketing system, accounting system or third-party payment gateway etc.) can be constructed with minimum development/configuration. Our team will engage in defining the process and data flow from the website to ZOHO seamlessly.
The Tomia Solution
Tomia Digital’s forte is delivering successful projects through partnerships. Tomia Digital is not in business for quick one-off sales; we aim to develop long-term partnerships, providing ongoing development support for our clients as they grow, perfectly suiting Ella Forums position. As a business, we can proudly state that 80% of work comes from existing clients. We have such a high retention rate because not only do we have excellent relationships with them, but we also understand their technical requirements to a high level enabling them to build long-lasting partnerships with clients.
The following was considered during the setup/configuration and integration of the CRM:
- Setup a ZOHO account for Ella foundation.
- Work shop – Define work flow process and produce documentation
- Configuration of ZOHO based on the required fields
- Data migration – existing data set
- Integration with website forms
- Reports – allowing the admin user to export data based on date filter.