Strettons is a leading firm of property advisors based in London, providing residential and commercial property services throughout the UK.
Company Overview
Strettons is a leading, independent firm of property advisors with expertise across a wide range of commercial and residential property, giving advice to buyers, owners, occupiers, investors, developers and more. Our core teams cover agency, property auctions, property & asset management and valuation & advisory services. We operate throughout London and the Home Counties with more than 120 staff, while our auction department and property management business covers the whole of the UK.
The Challenge
Strettons required to have updated to their current website, with a new auction homepage, online catalogue and listing pages. To have functionality requirements wishing to have a complete rebuild of the home and property listings and detail pages.
The Tomia Solution
DNA had created a user friendly Auction Homepage, Online Catalogue and Listing pages, Menu updates throughout the auction of the website, update to the auction feed allowing to showcase the properties of the sold and available even for when auction had been closed. Rebuilt the Home, Property listing and detail pages ensuring that all forms on the website were GDPR compliant. Clearly show for the auction to include dates of when the next auction date will take place. Allowing to have an email sign-up form any chosen platform.